Saturday, January 22, 2011

I Didn't Know There Was a Rat in it!

We love you Ratty, sorry you're not coming off too well in this blog.

A story I grew up with, a story we all grew up with, a story about a bad ass hare and an easy going tortoise, I am of course talking about the epic tale called “The Hare and the Tortoise”. It’s a story that is much loved by people the world over and it really makes us believe if just for a moment that if we keep our heads down, believe in ourselves and keep going, well we might just get to where we want to be. Whether this is becoming a millionaire or beating an arrogant, know-it-all hare it doesn’t matter, the principles are the same.
For me I think this concept is something we all want to believe, something we all even say we believe but how many of us actually live like we believe it? Not many you can bet. For most of us think one way and act another, leading to a life of frustration, disappointment and being average and yes landscape architecture is no different.
Not that there is anything wrong with being average or being normal if you like, it’s just that if you had a magic lamp gave it a rub and out popped a genie who was willing to offer you anything you wanted, you could have it all, the life of your dreams, anything, anything at all, do you really think anybody on this earth, no matter what their circumstances would say to the genie “Genie I wish to be average”. I doubt it! Therefore I conclude that nobody will ever feel fulfilled in their lives if all they ever do is be average, no matter how content or peaceful they are with it, being average will slowly be met with regrets, disappointment and a feeling of emptiness, which people will try and fill with superficial modern day conveniences, pursuing life’s of pleasure rather then fulfilment. Pursuing a life centred around themselves and what people can offer them, instead of living a life centred around each other and what they can offer people.
In the recent story I read about the tortoise and the hare, there was an extra character involved, one that I never knew of before, he was the rat and he only entered the race because other people were talking about it and he didn’t want to miss out, so he jumped in, just to be like everyone else, you know, just to fit in, who wants to miss out on all the commotion.
Let’s recap the story by taking the three characters:
The boastful hare: He’s expected to win; he’s got all the natural ability in the world and is born to be fast and powerful.
The humble tortoise: He’s a slow animal, certainly not designed to be fast and even lacks the ability to run, a clear outsider with not a snowflakes chance in hell of winning against a hare
The Rat: He can run, he can train really hard, he can be smart and run right, sure you could say he has potential and sure if a tortoise is going to run I guess the rat might as well run also. Nothing to lose, right!
So race day comes, and they all line up, the hare, the rat and the tortoise, the gun fires and they’re off, straight out of the blocks is the hare, speeding far, far ahead and then the tortoise one foot in front of the other, step by step, slowly but surely, lagging way behind the hare, but of course we all know how this story ends so I’m not going down that road, no I’m going back to the race, where we have the rat!
Now this is where this story gets really interesting, the rat takes one step forward, a good step, fast, confident, full of energy, but unfortunately another step does not follow, as the rat decides, just as the race begins that he will never beat the hare, sure he’ll beat the tortoise, very easily in fact, but the hare not a chance, and who wants to finish second, who cares about second place. So straight away the rat gives up as soon as the race started because he knew he could never beat the hare. And guess what the rat didn’t beat the hare and can you guess what again, the rat never ever beat the hare, in fact the rat will probably never beat the hare not now or in the future, because the rat knows he can’t win. Meanwhile the tortoise goes on to win the race.
The rat was not slow nor was he fast, he was average and because he never tried to be anything else other than average he stayed average and he got average results. The world is full of rats and hares, with all sorts of natural ability that blow your mind away, the truth is most of the hares rely too heavily on their natural ability and most of the rats never stop believing they are average, it takes little steps, no matter how slow or how small, it takes little steps one after another, in the right direction to get you where you want to be, and I guess sometimes it takes an insignificant rat to remind us of that.
So what kind of landscape architect are you:
A.      One with natural ability, that you are destined to waste. (not always, but very often the case)
B.      One with average ability that you believe right down to your core
C.      Or one that knows where you are going and you take small but significant steps to get there each and every day.
If you think you are C, well then prove it to yourself, ask yourself right now, “What little step did I take to get me closer to where I want to be?” If you can’t answer that simple question then you are not C!
This writer of this blog has nothing against rats, tortoises or hares any references to them are purely metaphorical, in fact the writer of this blog is a vegan and he loves all of god’s creatures, even the ones that pollute the planet day after day.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Do you want it? Come and take it.

Go get 'em Tiger!

The below dialougue is a result of a discussion I have with myself, upon waking up every morning.
Hi, I’m life.
In my right hand I have $100 in my left hand I have $1,000,000 you can take which ever one you choose. All you have to do is take it! Simple, just take it!
Cool, I’m taking the $1,000,000, thank you so much, see you soon!
See you tomorrow!
For me the above dialougue pretty much sums up how I see eveything, including being a landscape architect. Am I a succesfull landscape architect? Well by many peoples standards the answer is a resounding “NO” . This isn’t a problem, I think being succesful, being great is something you choose, it’s not given, it’s presented, and when it’s presented you have a choice,take it or leave it. That choice is presented to everybody, every day, but very few of us take it and even more of us fail to see it.
I believe the key rests in your awarness to connect yourself to the greatness that is within you.  Which is why I choose to make myself aware and for the purpose of this blog that awarness is all about understanding what makes somebody a great landscape architect, now I could look at both sides and try and figure out what makes somebody an average LA and what makes somebody a great LA, get the result, analyze then compare and contrast, disect and criticly evaluate it and that would be then considered a sceintific study but we’re not in a lab we’re in life and in life you get what you focus on.
Which is why I’ve decided to focus on succesful landscape arhcitects, over the next 3 to 4 months, I will be embarking on a mission to meet, interview and evaluate succesfull landscape architects, people who have won awards, own their own practice and have a well rounded life with a passion and desire for improvment and excellence.
I want to see how they do it, what it takes and hopefully be inspired to take similar steps and one day stand on the shoulders of giants so that one day I can offer the new generations of LA’s to come the gift of inspiration, knowledge and wisdom to achieve great things for our profession.
You see no matter how unusual or unexpected great results are, when traced back you will see that they all follwed a logical format, a format that can be applied to your life. You will also see that succesfull people develop habits that others don’t have and upon applying these  habits on a daily basis they contribute to achieving fantastic results. These habits can also be learnt and applied. It would be delussional to think otherwise.
My theory is that if you learn these habits, if you are open to great opportunities and take action when they present themselves, no matter what your circumstances, you too can be just as great as the people you admire and look up to for guidance and inspiration.
We are all made from the same organic matter, what makes us different is how we believe, behave and percieve.  If you change these three things, you can change your life to suit your desires.
So if you want to be an average LA, don’t pay attention to the interviews, if you want more, if you want to be successfull, if you want to be a great Landscape Architect, then get ready to hear about how it’s done, by people who have done it and continue to do it on a daily basis.
I hope you’re as excited about the interviews as I am, which wil be accompanied by a few benificial extras, to help you make the most out of what “WE” are going to learn together.
The first interview will be posted on the “Landscape Architects” facebook page, the connection to the page is at the bottom of the blog. Make sure you click on the  “Like” button and stay conected.
I look forward to seeing you there,
“You must become the strenght you admire in others” AS A MAN THINKETH BY JAMES ALLEN


Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Simpleology Blogging Experts

There are so many bloggers out there, who put so much time and energy into their posts, and why? nobody ever reads them, never mind the hopefull blogger who's aiming to use the blog to make money through his google adsense account.

Taking this into account I've decided to pursue a course on the subject and all I have to do to obtain it, is to copy and paste some link on my blog, so what have I got to lose, certainly not money, and what have I got to gain, maybe money!

So here it is, for anybody crazy enough to read my blog, which boasts an incredible three (3) comments left by people over it's entire lifespan so far! I'll keep the champagne on ice for now I think.

I've posted it on my latest blog post, so check it out,

I'm going to give it a go, you should too!
