Friday, September 3, 2010

The Ecological Park Explained

The Blackglen Ecological Park was designed to meet five objectives.

  • To work with the existing gym and leisure facility on site by creating uses in the park that would accomodate the gyms clientel
  • To marry bio and social diversity by creating a haven for wildlife whilst encouraging people to use the space on a continuous basis
  • To work with the topography of the site by incorporating a terraced scheme
  • To generate cultural and educational learning by incorporating a learning centre
  • To create a multi functional space by creating layers of movement and congregation throughout the scheme

The project took place over a six month period, it involved many site visits, working with the local authorities to gain specific information and researching other ecological parks, including doing a case study on Trafford Ecological Park, with the topic being "Trafford Ecological Park claims the status of being an ecological park, to what extent is this true?" This report really helped me understand the term ecological park and allowed me to produce a detailed and comprehensive project.

Below is a picture of selected work from the project which was exhibited to peers, lecturers and professional landscape architects and urban planners.

For further insight into me and the detailing of the ecological park check out the older posts below, which will allow you to click on individual sheets of the project including planting and construction.

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